Wednesday, June 27, 2007

HA Schult 's Trash People

On converting trash into art, large scale:

German artist HA Schult took a really direct approach to reuse art in his 1996 'Trash People'
installation. Granted, they're all held together with Henkel adhesives (who interestingly enough both sponsor him and use him as advertising.. read their boasting here.) These 'people' have been traveling around the world for the past 10 years, and are spending this summer in Barcelona. Schult has been compared to Christo and Jeanne-Claude- although the only really strong resemblance is scale.

Taken from his website, a little rough due to the translation from German:

"We live in the trash time: we produce trash and we become trash. Therefore HA Schult's 'Trash People' are images of ourselves.

In 1996, when HA Schult has installed one thousand life sized 'Trash People', in the Amphitheatre of Xanten, the idea was born to send them around the world.

Like the pyramids of Giza send messages to us from times p
ast, HA Schult's 'Trash People' will travel as a 'now time expression' to the world's most important spots."

To read the whole text and see some of the places the Trash People have traveled, go here.

what ever will he do when the world runs out of trash? :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Meals for the Homeless

someone mentioned working with the food shelters in the downtown area and seeing if they were interested in sustainable living projects such as a public garden. here a list as of now,

(all in the downtown Raleigh area only) -
If there are others please list them here.

Shepherd's Table Church of the Good Shepherd
Monday–Friday: 11 a.m. – noon
121 W. Morgan St.

Salvation Army
Monday–Friday: 5 - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 12 noon
215 S. Person Street

Raleigh Rescue Mission
Sunday through Saturday: 5:20 a.m.
314 E. Hargett St.919-828-9014

First Baptist Church
Sunday: 8 – 8:30 a.m.
101 S. Wilmington Street

Monday, June 18, 2007

Exploring the fascinating world inside the hive:
insights into honey bees and beekeeping

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - 7 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm)
Location: Tir Na Nog, 218 South Blount St.
Speaker: David R. Tarpy, PhD, North Carolina State University

If anyone else is going let me know, or I'll see you there.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Plastic Me This

Apparently Miracle Grow is suing TerraCycle, the new fertilizer made from worm poop, which is waste made from waste. Many props for TerraCycle if they can 'fool' buyers into buying organic!

Suicide by water? Is that possible you say - Found this article while browsing on our library databases searching for more plastic hazards and to my delight the professor who wrote it archives his own work for us for free on his website: Bottled Insanity: The Problem With Fiji Water ArtVoice (etc.) 2/8/07 AV

My co-worker mentioned something she read in a book, she thinks it my have been in Dark Star Safari. The gist is, when one steps off a plane in Nairobi you smell garlic and onions; get off a plane in London and it's wet concrete; get off a plane in the US and you smell ... plastic.

And looks as though the industry is getting larger,
.... trends in the plastic bottles industry. The largest segment in the industry is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles which are used primarily for carbonated soft drinks and single-serve bottled water. While the number of bottles used for household chemicals has gradually expanded, the amount of resin used has been very steady. Plastics Technology; May2007, Vol. 53 Issue 5, p101-101, 1p [Learn more online at]

Now let us all have a drink! (from a glass that is)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

GCAG: Greensboro Community Arts Collective

This is a group in Greensboro that Jason and I had the opportunity to be a small part of back when we lived there. They have done some amazing things and they are a really nice group of people. We should participate in some of their events this summer because they always enjoy the help and can teach us lots.

Here is their really well-designed website (at least I think so):

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Same Time, Same Place

We have our next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 26th at Cameron Village Library upstairs meeting room. This time we have both spaces, so we can hold more people comfortably. We will have an agenda out shortly, but if anyone has topics they would like to include post them here, or send us an email.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How does your garden grow?

I found the link below when searching for collaborative gardens in NC - What a beautiful project! It would nice to get involved and learn how we can do this in the Raleigh area. If anyone is interested in helping out let me know.

Making the Community Garden Grow -
Chapel Hill Herald Saturday, May 12th

Friday, June 8, 2007

More on the Plastic Problem

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"Normally, northern fulmars spend their whole lives way out in the ocean, touching land only during breeding season. Wildlife experts believe this one weakened after feasting on floating plastic, and died when a storm blew it onto an Ocean Park beach. Of the 59 pieces found in and around the bird's belly, all but one were plastic."

Follow this link
to read more about the floating mound of plastic in the pacific ocean.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Education is Key

the Office of Environmental Education is the ultimate resource for generating the information needed to achieve our goals and projects. Once we narrow down our interests we can draw from EE's invaluable resources. Please take a look.
Last night was great. Thank you all for coming out!
There was a lot of really good feedback and suggestions. I am going to start developing resources and look for a meeting space for next week. If anyone has any ideas let us know.

I wanted to get the slide show up just so anyone visiting can have some idea of what we referenced. At the end I mentioned'altered books' because I salvaged books from work for our first inspired art project. Please upload any photos of your finished projects.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The First Time

Cameron Village Library
Wednesday, June 6, 7:00 PM