Thursday, July 19, 2007

Putting more of Raleigh on the map

Have you seen Sundance Channel's new green forum? It's called Eco-mmunity and it has a searchable map that points out local businesses with green practices. Clearly this hasn't really caught on in the Raleigh area- there are about 6 stars on our local map, two of which are Whole Foods- but it could be a good reference eventually. It fits in nicely with the GHFR idea of supporting local green business. Now they just need to sign up...

The site also provides email, green advice, a directory of green blogs, and even a little green quiz that separates the champions from the coffeecups.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Daniel Mathewson

Thanks to Marianne for spotting this guy and this story in the Indy:

Daniel Mathewson has a keen appreciation
for junk and all its potential. Leigh Emery

Monday, July 2, 2007

Found the post below on City Farmer TV --

Apartment Community Garden

Not far from our garden is a new and unusual community garden. Next to a tall apartment building, residents have been given permission to dig up part of the building’s landscape and plant veggies.